zaterdag 26 oktober 2013

People I met ( Part I )

The first person I met there was Stuart.
A proper Geordie boy, casanova and an ego bigger than the Mount Everest.
The first couple of days we pranked each other all the time but soon we became really close,
he was like a brother to me. (Don't get me wrong, there's no one on this earth who can compare to my brother). But well, at the other side of Europe I needed a big brother to take care of me, so he did.

After 2 weeks came our chief animator, Alessia, girl from Italy. Since she was there we started going out everyday, we even forgot to practice for our shows, but we had an amazing time. We had rough times with her aswell, but after all the mess we've been through, she was the best chief ever. She met the love of her life, I couldn't see anyone happier than them. The cheesiest couple I've ever seen in my life. Sometimes it is kinda annoying when the perfect couple is being cute all the time and you're just sitting there being single. But well, my point was, after this season he moved to Italy for her and they're still together uploading cheesy Facebook pictures! Now THAT'S romantic!

Our dance choreographer who came 10 days later, the best I've ever met in my life. Nicole is like me, but older and I wish I could say more responsible, but she's not. Life was complete when she was there, work in the morning, beach in our breaks, work in the evening and party at night. More or less 4 hours of sleep a day, but well, that's how we roll! Meeting her was probably the best thing ever, you cannot even imagine how retarded we are around each other. We didn't even had to talk we just knew what we wanted to say. We did have fights, but soon we were begging each other for forgiveness, that was a daily program. I could write a book about all the mess we made together, but I don't think that's a good idea...

That leaves me with the next person, I'm not gonna use names with this one. Once I thought this boy was the love of my life. He did make me feel that way. You know that feeling? When someone looks at you, you get instantly blush on your face and your knees feel weak. And if he's with you, trying your very best not to act like a complete idiot (which is the hardest thing ever at that moment), that feeling when he talks to you, you just wanna jump him and cuddle him, that feeling your heart is beating to fast that you think you're going to die and you feel those stupid butterflies tickle your tummy? You know that feeling? Well, I had that feeling, until he ripped my heart out of my chest and decides to stand on it.
The biggest idiot I met in my life, can't believe how much time I wasted wanting him instead enjoying my being single. I can't deny it, I really was in love with him. Oh well, just never fall in love with a British guys, they are the biggest twats on the planet, their absolutely gorgeous accent is it really not worth it, just saying.

Ok, this was the childish part that had to come out. Now back to normal.
A couple of days after Nicole arrived Stuart had to leave. Why? Because he was a total twat and had fights with our chief all the time. So there came a new boy, Jay! The professional dancing, gay lad (we thought). Which was pretty uncomfortable when we found out it was not. Jay was a decent guy, well he wasn't he just looked and acted like a decent guy but deep inside he's a proper badass. A little baby when he doesn't get want he wants, but at the end, we were all stubborn little babies. And that's when the A-team started.

Alessia, Nicole and me at the beach at night.

Best friends keep each other warm at cold evenings.

 Jay, Nicole and me on another night out

Full moon party with the A-team and hotel guests!

 Giving each other a massage, that's how we roll!

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